Beliefs create reality. If you believe something to be true, it will come into your life. Beliefs can be positive or negative and whatever your belief, you will bring it into your life.
Sometimes it can be hard to change a belief; perhaps we really believe it to be true, at other times we cannot see another way to believe.
If you really want something to happen and yet you cannot change your belief system at the moment, just try the mechanical approach.
Each time you catch yourself thinking there is no different way, stop yourself and change the phrase to say that there is a positive way. That is all you need to do in the first phase.
Gradually, the mechanical thought will develop the first step into manifesting your new belief. As time goes on, and you continue to believe and reinforce the new belief by changing every negative thought into a positive one, you will discover that the mechanical approach has been replaced by a real belief and your new habit will have become a part of your life.