Emotional energy can make you feel on top of the world with lots of energy. It can also make you feel very low with little energy.
While it is great to be ecstatically happy, I’m not sure it would be possible to sustain the level of energy that comes with it.
Being able to take the negativity out and replace it with positive emotion is going to help you to have more energy on a regular basis.
If you are in a relationship that is causing you angst, anger, frustration or another negative emotion, have you thought about to resolve your negative feelings in the situation with the person concerned?
Sometimes we live with someone who only knows how to criticise us. We get so used to it, that it becomes like water off a duck’s back, however, what is it doing to our energy levels? Are we constantly feeling tired or do we become slightly ill with colds and coughs that drain our energy.
In situations like this, it is wise to consider three possibilities :
1. engage in discussion to stop the criticism
2. walk away from the relationship
3. accept the person as they are and know that the relationship will continue without change
Making one of those three choices and carrying it through will enable you to balance your emotional energy and give you strength to work at changing other habits that you might want to enhance in your life.