Have you ever listened to yourself talking? The other day I was participating in a teleclass. The line was cut and so I could not hear some of the call and instead had to listen to the tape recording. It was an opportunity to hear my own voice.
What a shock to listen to enthusiasm which had gone overboard and sounded more like frustration. This got me thinking, I’m giving an outwardly optimistic and positive performance and yet underneath, there is some sort of negative frustration going on.
After the shock and then emailing everyone on the call to apologise for my too strong input, I decided to delve deeper and see if I could find the root cause for what was going on.
A meditation, a coaching session and a further meditation while taking notes of any thoughts that popped into my head over a few days, helped me to peel some layers off the onion skin, metaphorically speaking.
Here I was giving a hundred per cent to the class and yet the results being received were Zero. The excitement of giving the commitment required against the conflict of complete failure.
As I coached myself through more layers of onion skin, it began to dawn on me that if I am with an expert and follow their course, then the natural answer is to succeed.
This has not been happening, so what is going on?
More meditation and at last the light dawned. If one way doesn’t work, then explore another path.
The other dilemma was being true to myself. Happily the next week, the teacher gave the OK for looking at different methods to succeed. The weight off my shoulders at not having to follow the curriculum as set out, but instead searching for ideas that would suit my personality and allow me to succeed was enormous.
Being cut off the teleclass served a wonderful lesson and allowed the physician to heal herself!