Are you aware of how you are feeling right now? Pause for a moment and become aware of any feelings that are with you at this moment in time.
Whether these feelings are positive or negative, just acknowledge that at this moment in time, they are with you.
It is difficult to acknowledge good feelings or change negative feelings if you are not aware of what you are feeling in the first place!
There are a multitude of feelings and it is helpful when thinking of habit change to be aware of your feelings.
Do you feel you can succeed with changing a habit of your choice? If not, what would have to happen in order for you to feel that you could succeed with letting go of a habit you no longer want?
When feelings are positive, it is much easier to change. There is inspiration and an air of wanting to form new and healthier habits. There is more energy and determination to succeed.
If feelings are negative, then it is harder to change our habits. If you do have negative feelings, what could you do to have positive feelings?
Do you want to become a positive person? That may seem a stupid question, but deep in the unconscious, perhaps there is a reason, a past experience or something else that prefers to see the negative in everything as it makes them feel safe.
The unconscious is very powerful. It is only by looking at our fears and working through them that we gain more energy, positivity and a happier disposition. This results in good feelings and an ability to change habits for ever.