You are aware of your procrastination and desperately need to overcome it speedily, but haven’t a clue how to set about the task, hence the procrastination.
Asking for the right kind of help can produce wonderful results.
Let’s take selling as an example. Some people find it easy, while others find it more than challenging.
You are self employed and have to do everything yourself. The service you offer is easy to provide, the problem is finding the clients.
You read the books, go on the courses, but something stops you actually taking action.
Could it be fear of failure or could it be fear of success? These two fears are very common, however, at the moment, you need clients and haven’t got time to go delving down to find the root cause, so what do you do?
Think about and make a note of the clients you would like to have – what their ideal profile would look like, along with the best target market.
Usually the next step would be to go and get the clients, but for you, this is just not possible. Now is the time to ask for help.
Do you have a friend or relative or know anyone with a large network? If you don’t, just be open to someone coming into your life speedily that will have access to your prospective clients.
Let me give you an example. You need clients, but everything you have tried, failed. You cannot think of a soul to ask for help and then the phone rings. It is a neighbour and during the conversation, she tells you about various groups she attends.
You have a brainwave – instead of you trying to go out and find clients, how about your neighbour asking her various groups if they would like you to come and give a free talk. She thinks this is an excellent idea as they are always looking for speakers, so now you have some ready made groups of prospective clients.
All you have to do is ask the neighbour when she can talk to someone to arrange a talk for you to give. You ask her when it would be convenient to call back to know the date and hey presto – mission accomplished, worry stopped and procrastination overcome.
Suddenly you have plenty of energy and are full of the joys of spring!
By knowing that the solution would happen and by being open in all conversations, the appropriate help arrived.