Is there something you would like to change but have given up hope because you have been told that you have to accept it?
Henry Ford, the famous motor manufacturer said “Whether you believe you can do a thing or not, you are right”
The power of the mind is truly amazing and choosing a successful attitude is a great step forwards.
The next step is to find and then mix with people who are uplifting and willing to support you in a positive way.
Help from those with enlightened minds, whether they come from an orthodox background or an alternative one is a way to find knowledge and useful support.
You could also attend courses which enlighten you to new ways forward, help you to choose the best attitude and could introduce you to new friends who are on your wave length.
Your choice for your attitude comes entirely from within you.
As Viktor Frankl said “Everything can be taken from a man or a woman but one thing: the last of human freedoms to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one’s own way”.
Are you ready to choose to change your attitude? Write your comments and let me know your choices.
“How Your Mind Can Heal Your Body” is a book written by Dr. David R Hamilton. On one of his courses he told the true story of how a friend of his had been