Is your awareness of the bigger picture or is it the detail that makes you aware of something in your surroundings?
When you look outside in the morning do you become aware of the general vista or are you drawn to a particular aspect in your surroundings?
Being able to be aware of both the bigger picture as well as the detail allows you to absorb much more of what is going on in your surroundings.
When you are in your sitting room, take a moment to be aware of your surroundings. Note whether it is the overall aspect or the smaller details that you become aware of first.
Tomorrow when you are in your sitting room, consciously make an effort to be aware of your surroundings the opposite way round. If you saw the bigger picture yesterday, look for the detail today and vice versa.
Do this exercise when you visit somewhere you have been before and notice how much more you are now aware. You will be amazed at things that have always been there, but of which you have never been aware . . . . until now!
By becoming aware of your surroundings, both the overall vista as well as the detail, it will help you to develop your awareness.
The better your awareness the easier and speedier it is to enable habit change.
In order to change a habit, you have to be aware of when it is taking place. Often habits are so ingrained that we carry them out automatically without any awareness.
When we become aware of our habit, we then have a choice to stop or to change to something we would like to become a new habit.