Balancing physical activities makes best use of your available energy. This helps to create ideal energy conditions for having the stamina to help you to release unwanted habits and make new lifestyle choices.
So, how do you determine what balanced activity might be? It is individual for each one of us. You can either seek professional help, or observe yourself in action and keep a record of the results until you find your optimism form of exercise and time limits.
If you are starting from the couch potato position, then it is going to take awhile to build up your physical energy. You may like to start by walking for 5 minutes daily and then add another 5 minutes each week. In ten weeks you would be walking for 50 minutes daily.
Slow and steady progress is easier to maintain and the results last longer.
If on the other hand, you have just run a marathon, you will know that you need to rest and then take less exercise regularly. If you are going to run a lot of marathons, then the exercise regime will obviously be different, but always be aware of your body’s limits and know when to stop.
Listening to your body and watching the results will help you to determine your own fitness level.
According to some in the keep fit world, 30 to 40 minutes walking 5 times a week is sufficient. For me, this would make me weaker and I would put on weight.
Over the years, I’ve discovered that floor exercises plus up to an hour and a half walking on a treadmill 5 times a week, or an hour 7 times a week makes me feel healthy and strong. For me, walking outside instead of on the treadmill does not produce the same healthy result, so I stick with the treadmill for exercise and golf for pleasure.