Energy – improve mental stamina

The more balanced our energy, the easier it is to maintain mental stamina.  How do we improve our mental energy levels wisely?

1.  Gather information
2.  Set a realistic goal in each area
3.  Make a plan
4.  Choose the support that is most helpful for you
5.  Take action
6.  Tweak your plan as necessary
7.  Acknowledge your success regularly
8.  Celebrate when you reach your target time`
9.  Check that you are happy with your improved mental stamina
10.  Put structures in place to maintain the improved mental stamina

When doing exercises to increase energy, it is important to remember to retain balance.  The reason for this warning is that once you have developed sufficient mental stamina, it is possible to get carried away and overdo it . . .  e.g playing computer games for hours on end!

At the moment, you may disagree, but just observe what happens as your mental stamina improves.

First of all set a stop watch and see how long you have sufficient energy to maintain your concentration.  Once you have done this, it will be a benchmark for you.

Now that you know how long you have the energy to maintain your mental stamina, set a goal for the amount of time you would like to have sustained mental vitality.  Be realistic, as you do not want to become overaddicted and allow energy in other areas to suffer.

How much you can increase your mental energy at a time is up to you.  Some people will choose to do 5 minutes extra daily for a week and then increase it by another five minutes.  Other people may prefer to select a longer time.  Choose what suits you.

Occasionally, you may find you have the mental energy to complete a really long task.  This is fine, but to do it all the time at the expense of being tired in other areas is a bad idea.

You may find it easier to concentrate on some tasks for longer than other tasks – very natural.  The answer is to have different goals for different types of mental activities.

Having the right kind of support, i.e. those who encourage and want you to succeed will speed up your arrival at the desired amount of mental stamina available to you.

Tweaking, acknowledging, celebrating and maintaining your actions all help to keep the energy levels for your improved mental stamina long term.

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